Rhiannon Wynter

Head of The Sleeping Sands Cartel

♦Crystal ♦Mateus


A Hyur with green eyes and a scrupulous gaze. A little rough around the edges, but friendly enough if you catch her after a few drinks. Usually in Ul'dah.



Most active 12pm-7pm EST on weekdays
Paragraph RPer
Lore abiding

Rhiannon Wynter

Rhiannon stands around five fulms and six ilms tall, and while not overly muscular she is a broad-shouldered and fairly strong Hyur. Since her lifestyle has recently changed to one of more luxury than she had known before, she's gotten a little softer and curvier. Her black hair hangs around the length of her collarbone and often falls into her face. She has blue-green eyes and pale skin that is flecked with freckles and prone to burning in the Thanalan sun.She tends to be blunt and often lacks tact and refinement in social situations, but is loyal and protective of those she calls her own. Can be ruthless at times, very ambitious, and very dedicated to her goals when she puts her mind to it.History: After a humble beginning in Crescent Cove she made her way to the big city seeking fortune. It was rougher than expected and Rhiannon ended up living hand to mouth on the streets for many years, running with different gangs and committing numerous smaller level crimes; beating people up, mugging, armed robbery, etc. Her face is well known around Pearl Lane, and some of the Brass Blades might remember the troublesome youth. She worked as a hired thug up until being taken on by the Nal Cartel, and worked as such for Nal as well before eventually rising in the ranks. Now, with the leader of her old cartel either missing or dead, Rhiannon has taken over and re-branded the group as The Sleeping Sands.

  • bisexual

  • in a relationship

  • 35 years old


Rhiannon is blunt and sometimes abrasive. She can be a bit of an ass at times, but she is also straight forward and pretty honest for a career criminal. She tends to say exactly what is on her mind. She loves a good fight, whether it's just roughhousing or sparring with friends or an actual brawl; she's almost always down to throw down. In contrast, the one thing she enjoys more than fighting is reading. She has a quieter, softer side that is rarely seen by others.Listed below are some general ideas for rp lead ins!

  • She tries to rough you up. If your character does or says something she doesn't like there's a good chance Rhiannon will get physical. Things she doesn't like: being insulting/rude to her or even other people while she's within earshot, trying to take advantage of a lady (getting handsy or any unwanted attention; if she sees it she will probably get involved). She's also down for a friendly spar most of the time.

  • She tries to sell you drugs. If you approach with the right look to you, and say the right things, she might offer you some of the good stuff. Just make sure you don't act like a nark.

  • Drinking buddies - if she's in the tavern and cutting loose Rhiannon can tend to be pretty rowdy and fun loving, she's likely to enjoy tossing some back with like-minded types.

  • She could hire you for a job that could be a contract thing, or a full fledged member of her cartel. Please note that either of these options would require you to go through our FC application/vetting process. Jobs range from smuggling, coercion and intimidation of targets, bodyguard work, and more.

Art by me:

Art by others:

1 - Itaslipy
2 - Jenkshi
3 - Vou
4 - Vou

Images from Picrew:


Hello! I'm in EST time zone. My in game availability varies a lot, but mornings and afternoons tend to be the best time to catch me. We can always schedule a time to rp, and I also love active/frequent discord rp. I'll be happy to share my discord handle after we talk a little. I’ve got a few rules/requests/preferences and will list them here. It's not required that you read all this, but it's here if you are curious.

__I will not oocly discuss the possibility of romance or sex between characters before they even meet.__ I prefer for it to be 100% developed in character. It needs to feel natural and not pre-planned by us, the writers.

  • RP Style: I prefer paragraph RP and I gravitate towards descriptive writers. I’m seeking people with a similar writing style to build interesting, multi-faceted, long-term RP relationships with (friends, enemies, romantic partners - all are excellent). It's ok if you enjoy shorter posts, but if you are doing 1 line emotes it's not likely we will be a good fit as writing partners. I prefer to take a little more time and craft something with a bit more meat to it. That said, I'm also very understanding if English isn't your first language (and I have a lot of respect for you!). I don't mind being patient if for any reason you need more time to form your posts.

  • Lore-abiding: I write a character that is strictly lore-abiding. I’m not going to play lore police over what you do, but when it comes to any plot we’re involved in things will need to stick to established lore for that plot. If it breaks the universe for my character I won’t be able to RP it with you. I prefer not to do AU and/or cross universe.

  • It's my preference not to interact with overly powerful or super unique characters. This means no Warriors of Light, no echo-bearers, no voidsent, no canon characters, no made up abilities/super powers/etc. If your character has a special condition such as a mental disorder, disease, or disability; I expect you to treat it with respect and to write it realistically. I have nothing against people who like to write over the top stuff, but I consider myself to be more low fantasy.

  • Erotic writing: I enjoy it, but only if it makes sense for the characters as a part of their story. There has to be depth there in order for me to find it interesting and you have to be over 18 for me to even consider it.

  • Mature content: I very much enjoy RPs with dark themes. There are certain themes I prefer to avoid, so a heads up OOC is appreciated. Gore, violence, horror, tragedy, drug addiction, crime? Enthusiastic yes. Rape? No thank you. I get asked for this pretty often; often enough that I felt the need to mention it here.

  • OOC/IC separation: I need there to be a strong ooc/ic line. IC drama should stay IC. I like to write drama and angst, I like when there is conflict and tension between characters, but I don't like when that carries over to OOC. You can always talk to me if something bothers you, and I am more than willing to calmly discuss things from an OOC perspective with you. I am not my character and her views are not necessarily my own. Whatever relationship your character develops with mine, whether negative or positive, has no bearing on your relationship with me the writer. That said, I enjoy being friends with my writing partners!

  • No god-modding: Don’t control my character’s actions or reactions in any way. Don’t control my character’s position or body in any way unless you know I’m cool with it. (Want to push her off a cliff? I might let you, but you gotta check with me first!)

If you can't catch me in game and don't have my discord tag, drop a message here and I will get back to you. ♥ (giving out your email is optional)